Thursday, August 20, 2009

Life Changes

Pictured here is Peggy with our 3rd grandchild Piper Isabella born July 10, 2009. 7lbs 5 oz
It is interesting the way things happen in life. We all experience so many different things. Our family is no different...Kyle and Katelyn are both leaving on Missions this fall. Kyle will leave Sept 30 for Boise Idaho and Katelyn will follow 3 weeks later and will be going to Peru (Spanish speaking). That will make Peg and I empty nesters for a couple years at least. Corey and Mandy are working hard and hunting hard. Andrea and Mark are the newest parents, and Megan and Jeff have there work cut out for them with London as she is just a going concern! Peg and I are very involved with the theatre in Cardston, and love it.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Summer Fun

Well it is almost over and it has barely started...summer that is, but we are keeping busy this summer, and it has not been to difficult when our son Kyle has been involved in the Carriage House Theatre summer productions once again this summer. He is playing Don Lockwood (the lead) in Singin in the Rain, and Ham in the Ark, and is also in Leader of the Pack. So Peggy and I spend a lot of time at the theatre volunteering and helping out where we can. I am even doing the lights for Singin in the Rain.

As I have seen the talent from all the cast this summer, I have been totally impressed with one 16 year old girl in the Ark. Sydnee Ralph has an amazingly gifted voice for her age. She and Kyle sang "Come What May" 4 years ago as a duet at Raymond days, and I always wanted to hear them sing again...I never imagined they would end up singing and acting in the Ark this summer together. So here they are, and they will also be opening for Trace Bundy ( together on Sept 12 at the Carriage House Theatre in Cardston come see for yourself, the talent that I am seeing!! I think I am going to miss all the Kyle shows for the next two years while Kyle is in Boise Idaho!