Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Stuck in the Snow! and some Pizza!

So like when do you ever get stuck in the snow driving a Jeep? Well it just happened to me. Kyle just got home tonight from Lethbridge and we had a real hankerin for a meat lovers pizza. Peggy made the call and we waited the allotted time of 20 minutes and then I figured that I had better get a move on and go pick up our pizza. I grabbed the Jeep keys from Kyle and headed out.

Now you have to understand we have had a ton of snow and the town still has not plowed our street.

So away I went...I backed up on the street thinking I would just back into the driveway and pull ahead and away down the street. Well that did not work, I got stuck and could not move forward or back. So after I got Kyle to come out to push and got the snow shoveled away from the wheels I tried to free the Jeep up from the snow, and well the back tires spin great...I spun em down to the pavement and started to do a smokin brake stand!

Well to make a long story short and cause I am sick of typing...2 neighbor guys came over and helped push me out! Oh by the way my 1989 Jeep Comanche truck is 2 wheel drive in case you were wondering why I just didn't slap it in 4 wheel drive to get unstuck.

Oh ya the pizza was good too!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Hmmm maybe I don't want to move back to Alberta. The kids and I have spent the day outside. It is in the low 70's. I worked up the garden to get ready to plant this month. I got 8 blisters, a sore back and a sunburn and it was still great!